I think it's kind of funny that the last girl I kissed I just drove to Wendy's and mounted her in the parking lot of a fast food restaurant. There was no fear. Now, I want to kiss this girl like I want to be a millionaire, and yet I am petrified to make a move.
Just last night I drove her home. She lives way in the heck out in Eagle Mountain. I like that, because it gives us a lot of extra time to talk. I certainly enjoy conversation, especially with her. Anyway I walked her to her doorstep, and we hugged. Then as I was saying goodnight and walking away, she grabbed my hand and asked me when we were hanging out again. We ended up sitting on her front step talking and snuggling for another half an hour. I could tell she didn't want me to go. I think she wanted me to kiss her, too... but I just froze.
I don't know what I'm afraid of. She likes me, I like her. I want to kiss her. She is no doubt frustrated that I haven't kissed her. Regardless of all of that I just lose every ounce of testicular fortitude when a moment arrives that we can kiss. Why?!
I have told my roommies that I am going to kiss her on the 7th date... no matter what. Friday was 3, Saturday was 4, and Monday was 5. That pretty much means this weekend... Hopefully until then I can build up the courage and brave the mockery of my roommates. Aaron has kissed 5 girls in the last month which is making me look fairly pathetic. Calvin is worried that by not kissing her, I am going to mess it up with Andrea. Man oh man did she look hot at work today! Ugh, guess we'll see what the weekend brings.
wait until your ready... shell respect it...
and in response to your post... if you read enough of it... and not one post... you would see that Lemur is a name for someone... Death Cab for Cutie is a BAND... and no... i was speaking in English...
Wait it out, until you're ready. Don't make it awkward and don't ask for a kiss. ...and if she really wants it, she'll make the first move. ;)
Once you kiss in a dating "relationship" everything changes. Every time a guy kissed me too early I wished later on that he hadn't because you dont want that to be what its all about. Especially since it sounds like you really like her! Get to know her, take your time, and in the end it will be better for both of you :)
Dude, you gotta be careful. If you wait too long, she'll think that there's something wrong with HER. She'll start doubting herself and the whole relationship.
Yeah, kiss her when you're ready, but you are. You're just wimping out. Don't think of this kiss as anything big, just a different way you want to show that you like her. No biggie. Just cuddle close, and go for it.
i agree with mr. billy reano. you sound ready so just go for it! :) good luck
she's not going to think you don't like her if you dont kiss her... of course she knows you do b/c you keep asking her for more dates! It's different w/ this girl b/c you really like and respect her. You do sound like you're ready to make the 1st move though
Freak. Just kiss her already. 7th date is long overdue.
And, in response to your "Sister Harms" post. I think its sad that sister missionaries are so stereotyped. I mean, honestly, I have seen A LOT of unattractive and weird Elders out there. Ya, they try to clean up and part their hair to make them look all "clean cut"--but it doesn't help. So my point is...Sisters and Elders are the same. Some cute, some not. End of story.
i agree with anonymous #2 about the 'sister harms' post.. a lot of elders aren't too good looking either.. and i also agree Billy Reano- She'll start thinking something is wrong with her if you don't.
MY ADVICE: kiss her but don't attempt the make out for a little while otherwise she'll think your only in it for the action.. unless she instigates it.. then go for it!
Don't worry.. if you're "ment to be" then she won't run too far ;)
If you're feeling it, just go for it. Then it will seem like it wasn't even a big deal in the first place and you'll wonder why you didn't just do it earlier. It will relieve so much pressure and awkwardness to just do it! If you both want to, and the moment is right, it's more uncomfortable and awkward not to kiss than to just let it happen. Go for it! You'll both be happy you did!
i say kiss her already! Stop being a wimp!
This blog is all kinds of brilliant. Most definitely adding it to my reader...
Dude...just kiss her.
Yeah, you need to kiss her. If you can't think of how to go about it, don't ask her (so lame), but tell her. :) The next time you're all snuggly and flirty, turn to her and say, "I'm going to kiss you now" and just DO IT. She will love it.
FIRST: Sister Missionaries are 95% weird. Elders are 50% weird. Most sisters are an emotional wreck, but they can reach people that Elders are not able to. Unless people have actually GONE on a mission they don't have a leg to stand on.
SECOND: On your next date just give her a nice long lip lock. And leave it there. She'll be sitting up in her bed thinking about it, and craving more!
That is all!
So, I know this post is obviously way old...so don't know why I'm commenting but it sparked a thought. So figured I might as well say it...
Your the kind of guy seems like that girls kinda respect a little more, cuz you don't just mack her on the first date. Speaking from past relationships...NCMO's...whatever, all but one of those happened pretty quick...the one who waited longer, was GENIUS...13 freakin dates! Kinda funny now, but at the time it drove me up the wall. But I gained such a higher respect for him, because he wasn't around just to kiss me. Just a thought, and for future reference. :)
Ps blog is hilarious.
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