Saturday, December 12, 2009

Problem Solved

I thought initially that I'd keep the mouse in my truck around for a while. I thought it would definitely be fun if I was ever on a date. I could casually mention the fact that I let a mouse or two make a house in my truck. Oh man... that would be awesome. But then I read the comments on my last post and someone mentioned that mice like to chew and it was only a matter of time until they decided to chew on my wires (that's what she said). So I went to the store and bought two packs of two mouse traps. I thought it would be funny to set all four of them and then take a picture. So I loaded them all up with peanut butter and went out to my truck.

I haven't set a mousetrap for a long time. It's freakin' nerve-racking. I was petrified. The spring on those stupid things could break my finger if I wasn't careful. I'd wouldn't be more scared if I was setting a bear trap. By the time I'd set the second one, I decided I didn't want to risk a mouse trap related injury so I didn't bother setting the other two. Then I realized I still had to shut my door. The last thing I wanted to happen was to slam the door and have the vibrations snap both of my traps. It didn't, though.

So I went inside and started watching LOST with Jake and Nick. Two hours later, at about 1:30am, I said, "I'm gonna go see if I caught anything." Jake started laughing at me like I was a total idiot. "It's only been two hours. There's no way you caught anything yet." I ignored him and went out to check anyway. Sure enough, I had caught a mouse. You'll also notice most of the peanut butter has been eaten off the trap that's still set. It's a good thing I'd set two of them. When I showed Jake the dead mouse, he was like, "Well, it takes longer to catch them in our house since our house is so much bigger. Of course the mouse would get caught quicker in a smaller environment." Sure, Jake.

I decided to set my last two mouse traps so there were three of them in my truck. When I took the other two traps outside, I noticed the small amount of peanut butter on the third trap had already been consumed so I was relatively sure there was at least one more mouse in there somewhere.

Unfortunately, the three traps have now been set for two days and I haven't caught any other mice. I deep cleaned my truck, though, and there was mouse poop everywhere. It was nasty.

By yesterday, I was so disgusted by mice and their poop (and three girls in our ward had already complained about Brigham and his wives) that I moved the mouse cage out to our garage. What a waste of $50. Oh well.

Speaking of yesterday, a bunch of guys were coordinating a group date for last night. I was invited to go, but I don't really have anyone to ask. I was looking through my phone and I noticed "Marie Theatre" saved in there. It took me a few seconds to figure out who that was. When I remembered, I got a little embarrassed. I actually almost deleted it. Not because I don't want to go out with her, but because it has been so long since I got her number, I'll look like a jackass if I call her now... and I am tempted to call her.

I didn't delete it. And I'm still tempted. I just have to think of a witty and believable excuse. Actually, it doesn't even have to be believable if it's witty enough. And it doesn't have to be witty if it's believable enough. If I can think of something today, maybe I'll ask her out for tonight. No. That's rude to ask her out on the day of. Maybe next weekend.


ps The censored portion of the photo may possibly be concealing an identifiable skin blemish. Please ignore it.


Anonymous said...

I was wondering why it was censored. Why did you not just wear gloves? Easier to hide.

Also, I say call Marie. Sure, it has been a long time since you got her number. It cannot hurt to call, but yes, be witty.

I cannot think of anything at the moment... you could try and make some joke about the box office and waiting for projected returns. Or say that you are distantly related to a sloth and use that as your excuse for being so slow to call...
Either way, it cannot hurt to try.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so im gald you got rid of the mice. It was cute but still pretty gross to have them in your car =/ & posting the pics of the dead mice was maybe a bit much. Kinda disgusting and sad. But whatever. no biggie.

And the "censored" had me LMAO! seriously hilarious.

Great post as always!

p.s. you do know that you are going to have every single chick on here inspecting every speck of your hand and making big judgements on that right?? Ok good. glad u do because it will happen ;)

Lorelei said...

let me get this straight. You discovered that you had mice in your truck. Then you went to the store, spent $50 on four mice, brought them into your home, and gave them names. Then went back to the store and bought mousetraps and proceeded to kill the free mice living in your truck. Yeah, that doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

I'm just saying.

xoxo Lorelei

Paula -- CutieFruity said...

I clicked on the pic to look at what was written on your hand and .... there it was in all it's glory. That disgusting mouse with it's brain smashed in from the trap. That. is. so. gross.

Allison said...

WHY WHY WHY would you put that picture up? I mean, I loved seeing your anonymous hand (:D), but I REALLY didn't want to see that poor mouse. ICK.

Calvin- you DO know that most the people that read this blog are female, right? Way to win 'em. Really. :D


Anonymous said...

you were so much hotter when i didn't know that you had warts and disgusting carpet!!!

Lyss said...

those pictures are gross. ew.

I think you should call her. If she gave you her number she wanted you to...even if it was awhile ago.

BD said...

Take it from a Montana man, you would have been much more nervous setting a bear trap. And, as long as you don't let your mouse trap hit you in the knuckle it definitely wouldn't break your finger. In fact, setting mouse traps off on your roommates hands can be a fun (albeit sadistic) game that testosterone filled males can play... you know like nutball. Not that I've ever done it, but this guy I know... ;)

Alexandria said...

Victory! I had a mouse in my room like a month ago and it took me two weeks to catch the little sucker. Sicknast!

Glad do see Lauren schooled you well in the ways of TWSS Jokes.

Call Marie! You've got nothing to lose!

amanda leeann said...

uhm, in the words of BBL...sick to the nast. really.

call her. at worst, you become a story of a jerk [not that you are one] she gets to tell her friends. at best, you get a date =]

Autumn said...

Well, that's just great. JUST GREAT! Dead mice. I would never ride in your truck. And if someone could find out who you are by a blemish, they're kinda stalkerish I must say. I'm liking the posts that don't have to do with using a girl though :] Props.

Kell said...

Mouse murderer!
And call the girl. Who cares how long it's been.

flylikeabird said...

I'm a little sad that you didn't use a humane trap for the mice.

And I can't believe you never called that girl! You better get on that, dude!

Mormon Bachelor Pad said...

Dude, I'm bumming on missing the group date being down in C City. Nice post... Even though you convienently left out the part where I was making fun of you for asking if I thought you had caught the mouse yet every ten minutes during LOST while I was trying to figure out what on earth immortals were doing on the dang Island. Nicks got my back on this one.

PS I don't think I'll be back for church and I got assigned the bread this week. Can you take it? Aaron gas some behind his Cherrios.


Erin said...

not gonna lie. that picture of the mouse in the trap in your hand is kind of awesome.

Jade said...

Calvin I LOVE the pics of the mouse they are awesome, but I do have one question... Did the mouses head get cut off? If it did that's be freakin awesome!

But call the girl,so long as she has 2-3 hours to get ready she'll be fine.

Oh and I'm glad you got all the mouse poop clean up that stuff is sick.

Kaitlyn said...

I think it's funny that you caught your mouse!!! Although the pictures of the dead mouse are really sad! It looks so hurt!! I know it's dead but I still feel bad!! I didn't know mice at peanut butter! And call Marie it will be a surprise and I think she'll like it!

20 Something said...

Love it

Amy said...

I think I like dead mice more than I like alive mice. I wish it didn't have to die that way, but what else were you spost ta do?(some animal lover is gonna be pissed at me, and probably make some lame-o comment below. If not, then a miracle has happened).

By the way, nice hand. Very sexy.

Shelby Lou said...

freaking sweet dead mouse! hahaha i'm currently laughing at amy's new hash tag #calvin's-hand-is-sexy.


Kristin said...

What a way to go. Could you imagine? "Oh food!" Snap. You're dead.

Setting traps always scares me too. Although I've never set one with the intention of killing a mouse.

Valen Hunter said...

I totally know that hand!, Oh you're busted! ha ha. I bet every girl here is dreaming about your hands now, or hand.

Anonymous said...

ummm, what the F*&K?!? i don't want to see pictures of your mouse murder...especially after you write a post about that made the mouse sound all cute and sweet. i can't even read this post. i can't see that picture again. make it go away! now please!

ginger said...

I think a lot of the readers of this blog need to man up, so to speak. It's just a dead mouse - gee whiz.

Ari and Josh said...

Sorry - I don't know if it's the weird lighting from the camera flash at night or just a weird angle...but your hand looks weird. Like, really weird. Lol.

Heather Guymon said...

Or...maybe you REALLY just have a tattoo on your left hand that says "Censored".

If I lived in Utardia I'd be on the lookout.

Declarations of a Drama Diva said...

Send the girl a text and say... (something along the lines of)

"So... I have to ask you something. Is it true your off the market?"

She says no... and your totally in!

Yes... I realize... I'm brilliant ;)

Crystal said...

Poor little mousy. mousey. Mousie. However the heck you spell it.

JL said...

Pictures are great but *please* use a little discretion when sharing. That was disgusting.

Jessica said...

your hand is hairy.

Anonymous said...

Yeah. What Jessica said.

Anonymous said...

Um HI jackass! You murder that poor defenseless mouse and then post pictures for everyone to see? Did you not think that some of us would be offended by that?

Karma is a bitch. I hope you get yours one day.

Mouse Killer said...

Anonymous: I had 3 or four mice in my apartment. We set traps. We killed them, I was even here for a couple of them, to watch them wriggle and die.

There is a reason why they are called a pests. Get over yourself.

Rachael said...

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewww. i would never date someone who had mice in their car. jk. but its super gross. you might want to keep that one on the DL

CarrieBradshaw* said...

I'm just glad you used the word jackass without $$ or ** kudos