In addition, Jake and I have been the recipients of a significant amount of criticism lately. Our most convincing defense has always been, "But our primary objective is to entertain. Notice how we have no advertisements and we never do those lame 'giveaways'?" Well, Jake and I are now both enjoying a double serving of crow and it's super delicious.
Ultimately, we decided to give back to our wonderful readers, most of whom are females between the ages of 20 and 25. I've noticed recently on Twitter and Facebook that several of our "friends" (who simultaneously hate us) have mentioned the idea of buying a dress from Shabby Apple. As we all know, Shabby Apple is a return to what dresses were always meant to be - a one-piece outfit. No need to add anything... no tank tops, no cardigans, nothing (except accessories, of course!).
Enough beating around the bush. Jake and I decided on a beautiful dress to giveaway, all thanks to Shabby Apple, who are proud to offer you fantastic dresses that allow you to look fabulous, without having to compromise anything else.

This dress is called Five to Nine and it was by far our favorite dress. I'll admit... Jake and I struggled to pick out the hottest dress instead of the hottest model. It was rough. In fact, we both starting laughing virtually at the same time when we looked at each other while perusing the website and saw each other clicking through the dresses with our thumb over the face of the model in the photos. We did our best to pick the awesomest dress, not necessarily the hottest model.
As luck would have it, however, this dress just happens to be wrapped around the hottest of the Shabby Apple models. Yowza! And seriously, the library backdrop screams "intellectual" which is such a turn on. The librarian fantasy is up there with Princess Leia or identical twins. These guys really know how to sell dresses.
Right about now you're probably asking yourself, "Calvin! Please tell me how I can win the most modest, yet sexy dress I've ever seen in my life." Before I tell you how to enter, let me explain a thing or two about the process.
Jake and I are very aware that a large number of our readers don't tell anyone that they read our blog. They either hate us or pretend to hate us and they don't want the world to know they read our blog. We understand that... so we don't care if you follow our blog. We don't want to embarrass you by telling you that you must follow our blog in order to win this dress. Plus, I have no doubt that a lot of you would promptly "unfollow" us as soon as the giveaway was over. So don't waste your time.
We'll be randomly drawing a winner from the comments. So you'll need to comment in order to win. However, the only way to officially enter to win this beautiful dress is to do one (or all) of the following:
1) Tweet about our blog and/or this giveaway... positive or negative, we don't care.*
2) Facebook about our blog and/or this giveaway, positive or negative, we don't care.*
3) Blog about our blog and/or this giveaway, positive or negative, we don't care.*
You'll need to comment separately for each one of these so we have a proper number of entries for each person. Keep in mind, we will check the validity of whichever comment is randomly chosen.
If leaving a comment on MBP would embarrass you too greatly, feel free to delete your comment(s) when the giveaway is complete. That way there will be no evidence that you read and enjoy our blog. We will be accepting entries until Thursday, April 15th, at midnight. The winner will be announced on the 17th.
As an additional bonus, Shabby Apple has agreed to give all of our readers a 10% discount for a limited time. So... if you can't wait for your spiritually attractive and Stake Conference approved Shabby Apple dress, then you can order it at a discounted price by using "bachelorpad10off" as your coupon code.
Good luck.
*Example of negative Tweet/FB/Blog: Apparently the douchebags at MBP have finally sold out and are doing a giveaway. What a bunch of desperate tools.
*Example of positive Tweet/FB/Blog: Not only is MBP full of the greatest nuggets of wisdom and truth since the BOM, now they're doing a sweet giveaway. I LOVE MBP!!!!
Additional Note: The coupon code is up and running (bachelorpad10off). We'll be randomly selecting the winner tonight at midnight. If we don't have a link to your tweet, blog or FB, we'll do our best to contact you so you can email us a link.
Ya I'll say it. She is smoking hot.
Now you will really start losing readers. How much did you get paid by them to post this?
I vote that because I was the first to comment and because April 16th is my birthday (aka the day you will do your giveaway) That I should win! Plus I actually like you guys and think you're funny so.....pick me! I'm off to facebook and blog about you know!
PS did I mention I've never had a Shabby Apple dress before? I think every LDS girl needs one!
I posted on Twitter.
Although I'm not so sure about the dress.
the dress is ugly
I posted on my twitter :)
I'm not even going to mention that this is giveaway sexist, because I'm outnumbered 64:1 so it's understandable.
I will, however, say that this is an attractive dress. The neckline is a little high though, I mean a collar? I usually like to, at least, see that round indentation at the base of the neck. Still, I'd be attracted to a woman wearing this.
Too bad I can't enter this because you blocked me from facebook and twitter for whatever reason. Totally rigged.
eh boys... I posted to my blog and facebook... I don't have a twitter, but I did think about creating one just so I could have another hand up... here are my links ;)
I facebooked about it. I hope I win I really like the dress.
I just blogged about it even though I didn't want to.
Blogged about it--would love to win the dress!
I wrote about this contest on my blog for the maybe 3 girls that read it. But the 3 girls are my friends and they would look amazing in the dress. Thought I would give em a chance to win it.
I wanna win!!! I am always looking for temple worthy dresses! I will blog about you on my hair blog laurendalpias.blogspot.com check it out!!!
Is there anything better than a sexy modest little black dress? Probably not. I love, love, love the dress, nice choice boys!
Good word. I NEED this dress. You don't understand. Per request, I'll tweet. Only because I never use Twitter and therefore I wouldn't have to be bothering people I like with advertisements. Not that I'm ashamed or anything. I've actually shown the blog to a few friends. "You think that date was bad? Read about these guys and thank your lucky stars." But, you keep it interesting so I keep reading. But really, I think I would sell my soul for a Shabby Apple. This is much easier and has less of an effect on my eternal salvation.
I don't like or hate you, I just read for entertainment. I think the controversy surrounding this blog is funny. I want to win something. So...this is me commenting on your blog.
I kinda hope this is a scam, just cuz it'd be funny to fall for it.
Either way - I blogged about you now and so read it and try not to fall in love with my blog.
I am way to embarrassed to say I read your blog or to post anything anywhere or become a follower. So I guess I will have to head over to Shabby Apple and check out the dresses instead. I am super excited to be introduced to them. K thanx Bye.
Done and done. I've never commented on your blog, but I am not ashamed to admit that I am a die-hard follower. Posted to twitter.
Alrighty! I'm officially embarrassed I am commenting, but I'll get over it! :)
nice! I have that same dress except yellow :]
I tweeted (is that the proper twitter terminology?) ...and can't believe I admitted to the internet world that I read your blog. I can't help it, I'm addicted.
P.S. I love the dress, excellent choice!
I tweeted (is that the proper twitter terminology?) ...and can't believe I admitted to the internet world that I read your blog. I can't help it, I'm addicted.
P.S. I love the dress, excellent choice!
My facebook is currently flying your colors. Hope you like it. Love the dress, guys.
I facebooked!
I mentioned you on my blog! That's three entry's right?
I will send you links IF I win.
This is a note to your genius commenter who so smoothly called you an idiot and then made themselves look foolish and uneducated.
The xiphoid process is near your sternum... which is in the middle of your chest... which is the opposite(incase they dont know) of your back. seriously I am aching from the stupidity of their comment. ugh
"Maybe it's the date where you expect the guy you've been dating for two weeks to propose to you. Or maybe it's the special occasion when that "certain someone" invites you to go ice-blocking."
hahaha, thanks for reminding me why I read your blog
Here is my comment for my twitter. :) You guys are amazing. End of Story. Haha.
This is totally awesome guys! Here is my entry for a blog post!
I like you guys more and more every day. Ha ha! I'm glad you guys are doing this... The dress is a good choice. Blogged about you... http://megjones-fivefootnothin.blogspot.com/2010/04/mbp.html
My vote is for Kaylee Hornsby. She would "Rock" the dress for sure.
I'm was fairly certain that you guys were just doing this because you wanted to trick everyone and have lots of free publicity.
So I went to the shabby apple website and added something random to my cart to try to use that discount code and it was fake.
Which I think means that this whole thing was fake. But, you guys are pretty genius for picking the one free giveaway that will make LDS girls go crazy.
Good jobs guys. haha.
How would you boys feel about sending the dress to England if I won..
Someone claims the coupon code isn't working. I've emailed Shabby Apple to find out why. It is most likely because I forgot to tell them that the giveaway was today. I'm sure it will be working soon.
Thank you and good day.
i tweeted:
Pick me, pick me! Very classy dress, I love it.
Put a shout out to MBP on my FB, also friended you guys, so you should be able to verify my FB post.
Whether I win or not is of no importance...what is important is that your promotional code doesn't work on their website. Lame.
i am not ashamed to read your blog and to have people know it. the very first day i heard about your blog i blogged about it being my new obsession. i would follow without the giveaway but i mean something for free is always awesome.
Hopefully this isn't another joke because I definitely need a new dress :P
Enter me. :]
aaaaaaaaand tweeted.
Good grief. People just love to hate you.
I hope someone wins the dress that will really use it. :) It's a cute dress.
So listen here MBP. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt and with every fiber of my being that KAYLEE HORNSBY needs that dress. Amen.
Tweeted it! http://www.twitter.com/msluvsvintage
This does make you a little gay... but the model is pretty dang hot, which in turn makes me a little gay.
So, pick me. the end.
o, and I facebooked about it... just so you can go stalk me and make sure I did it.
Hey! You guys are 'happening' now because you are doing a give away. Or is it 'happenin'? Hmm... anyways. I love shabby apple to death. And that dress it totes my favorite too.
http://twitter.com/indagofrog Tweeted. And
Facebooked. Facebook-ed. Facebook isn't a word apparently.
OOH OOh! Me please! Facebooked it!
At first glance, I didn't care much for the dress y'all picked.. but upon further review, I'm pretty much in love with everything from Shabby Apple, including your dress of choice.
Good work :)
Facebook, check.
I need a new dress. Seriously.
I'm posting it on Facebook.
I'm the same one who stated that she needed a new dress..seriously.
I need this, tweeting it now. twitter.com/jeremynandrea
I need a spiritually attractive new dress!! Love the blog!
Crap forgot to say I facebooked about it!
Really? Has business gotten so bad that you're doing giveaways now?
I'm not ashamed to post about you on my facebook or tweet about you on twitter!!!!
My tweet about it says "Duhspice! I want to win a dress from the boys at MBP."
So, put in an entry for me. Although, when I win, I will need a size six and not the size 0 that the hottest ever model is wearing.
I blogged about the give away and about my cutie brother who also entered so he can win the dress and give it to me for my birthday.
Hey MBP!
My sister (the comment before me) really wants this dress and I want to greaten her chances. So I blogged about you and such and oficially entered. So that would be sweet action if she one or I won!
I posted about you and the dress giveaway on my blog:
Hope I win! And thanks for introducing us to Shabby Apple. NICE. :)
Honestly, this is probably a ploy to get more followers' twitter and facebook account usernames so you can flirt with them or whatever. There is no actual dress. This is just another ploy for attention and more readers.
Well played boys.
I tweeted too! http://twitter.com/ladyjuliet1974
Fingers crossed! :)
yep I'm one of those ones you said would be embarrassed to comment. But in the name of shabby apple I must try. Hopefully this is real. Heres to hoping. for shame...
one other thing...I facebooked about it....but im not your friend nor do i want to be....so i guess you'll have to take my word for it.
This is beautiful! It probably won't look like that on me... but whatever. I'll MAKE it look good. Haha. http://twitter.com/abiteofallison/status/12014534849
Just discovered this today thanks to my roommate :) Posted about it on Facebook
Yep, it's true. My facebook is advertising the one-and-only MBP. i just discovered your blog and am kinda really really enjoying it,so thanks. also and more importantly: i'm pretty sure that dress would be a loverly addition to my wardrobe. please? :)
MOBACH.. I know we have a rocky history. But you also know you said, and i quote, "Kayla… will you marry me." You know what would be cooler and less expensive than an actual wedding?? Me getting this sexy dress. Pretty much I am super impressed with your dress picking skills, and charm and wit.. so please.. make me a very happy girl.. and also I love you..and am dedicating a blog post to you.. right now.
I vote for Kaylee Hornsby! She LOVES you guys! She blogged & facebooked about you! Plus she's going to let me borrow the dress if she wins!!!!
count me in. i posted about it on my blog.
I would rather fork over $66 plus shipping and just buy the dress than to go through the embarrassment of letting anyone know that I read your blog.
Great way to keep working on your readership... I suggest you continue to do it. Only for my benefit of course.
ha ha....
I'll most definately dedicate a blog post to you both! Also give me the dress and I'll have to do something awesome in a blog post as well as share photos OF COURSE!
Cause I'm poor... pick me. :P
You are now officially
"advertized" on my blog...AMAZING!
I would love to win this dress-I would do it some justice! Pick me!
@LGreenMovieGirl just tweeted her entry!! So thrilled you guys keep doing what you're doing despite negative criticism.
At this moment I'm googling ice blocking.
Ahem, I must try that sometime. Just not in a dress.
I facebookeed it.
and blogged it.
can I have the dress now? PLEASE!!!!
I'm pretty sure that if I get that dress, I will automatically become as smokin' hot as the model, be considered at least an 8.5 and be proposed to within three times of wearing it, which is, as we all know, the ultimate goal of any Mormon girl, so that means I should win, yes?
Tweeting: twitter.com/lizacska
Still invalid boys.
Great free advertising though. Pretend to have a sweet giveaway and get everyone to advertise your blog, expand your readership since you lost some readers over the April Fool's joke.
i never have had a shabby apple either. thanks for introducing me.
and for the 10% off
i blogged about it.
so funny sabbath day.
um. i posted on my fb.
please let me win this dress.
just did a fb post... http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/profile.php?id=625515537&ref=nf
sorry no twitter accnt
I dont really know how i feel about you. from your profiles you guys are creeps but funny creeps i will give you that
Andrea lies, she doesn't need this I do. I tweeted here http://twitter.com/Toniajorgensen
That dress is only going to look good on extremely thin people.
Love the dress.
Tweeted - cindyluwho55
Why isn't Nikki on here? Oh, right...because this dress is not made for grandmas.
I blogged about ya
facebooked ya too :)
honestly this dress is way too chaste for my taste but i did blog about you, haha...i don't want to be entered, though :)
seriously though is that model really the ideal mormon body type? she is so skinny!!!
holy hannah i leave for like a month and come back to find you are doing give-aways now?? Calvin and Jake you two are basically awesome.
You know I would look dang sexy in that dress for our date-to-be Calvin so... pick me! pick me!! ;)
I love it.
i wouldn't mind winning.
i blogged your name. you lucky ducks!
i facebooked it too!
i'm thinking that it's about my turn to win something in life!
I know beyond a shadow of a doubt and with every fiber of my being that Kaylee Hornsby deserves that dress.
I know beyond a shadow of a doubt and with every fiber of my being that Kaylee Hornsby deserves that dress.
I know beyond a shadow of a doubt and with every fiber of my being that Kaylee Hornsby deserves that dress.
This is an awesome giveaway! I love Shabby Apple, but I am sure you were intending to get people who love them so you can get more hotties reading your blog. I tweeted about this :) http://twitter.com/samnhal
"But our primary objective is to entertain..."
That is Rush Limbaugh's excuse for all the things he says, but that doesn't make him any less of a loon or demented.
Also, who is your objective to entertain? Your readers? Or do you seek to entertain yourselves with other blogs and inciting inflammatory comments?
You two have no shame at all.
Tweeted/ will tweet about you.
DONE!!!! This post is rotten apples!
I vote for Kaylee Hornsby. That wold be a win.
Hey boys, I can't make flirty-terdy comments like every XX chromosome on here, being happily married of course... however, I am not exaggerating the truth when I say I NEED that dress.
I facebook'd it.
Hey boys, I can't make flirty-terdy comments like every XX chromosome on here, being happily married of course... however, I am not exaggerating the truth when I say I NEED that dress.
I facebook'd it.
I re-facedbooked about it! Hopefully that counts!
So, doing a giveaway seems gay? No better choice of words there? Does your giveaway have sex with other giveaways? No. It's not homosexual. Just say that you thought it was stupid, there's no need to put down an entire group of people who are attracted to their same sex(many of whom are my friends) just to say that you think something is lame.
Kaylee Hornsby is basically the hottest thing since hot-cakes... and in-case you've never had a hot-cake - they're wicked-hot.
With her being as hot as a hot-cake I can assure you that Kaylee deserves a dress that would make her look as tasty as a hot-cake. The dress you have selected from Shabby Apple is not as hot as Kaylee is - but if you are looking to make a girl look hot-cake-a-licious then Kaylee is your only option.
Ooohh-lala!! The model is pretty smokin, but I think I might look better in that dress. Its great! Nice choice boys. I want it, I need it, I gotta have it!
this is hilarious. i'm not going to blog or tweet about it. but you guys are funny. even in a giveaway, you make me laugh.
good stuff.
and i love this dress, too.
I posted about you on facebook...how are you going to know that I did or not? I want that dress!
Great taste in dresses... blogged about it. BTW, I check your blog when I need a good dose of mindless entertainment...
Wow. You guys were telling the truth about the 10% off code and the giveaway. I am shocked.
Kaylee Horsnby should win because she is amazing and a total hottie!
Kaylee Hornsby should get it. It seems as if everyone is saying that. Case closed.
Please let it be me! I Facebooked my dying love for you guys :)
shabby apple is bomb.com
please let me win
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